Handling challenges

Challenges come in many forms and the most unexpected ways. And those challenges are the ones that build a person’s character. Once you accept the challenge and work your way through it, something profound gets enabled.

Workplace challenges are no different. Challenge is a challenge, and there is no big or a small to it. There is only a big or small mindset. We cannot attach a single solution to multiple challenges, as each has a unique lesson to teach. But what we can do is be that person who can see the challenge for what it is and work through it.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

We cannot teach a person how to handle a challenge. But we can train the mindset to overcome that. For a person who resists change, everything looks like a problem. For a person ready to change, the problem appears to be a challenge to overcome and get better at it. It is just a shift in perspective.

At this point, a valuable self-inquiry would be ‘Am I willing to change?!’

If you are willing to change, the challenge is just the path to success.

The mindset of every workforce in an organization is different. They come from varied socio-economic, educational backgrounds. The challenges that one may encounter at the workplace may be handled by various people based on ‘who they are’ rather than the actual scenario. The below story depicts it perfectly.

Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee

“A young man shared with his mother that his life was in a mess. He complained and wailed that life has been unfair to him and he is tired of all the problems he has to encounter every single day of his life and seems never-ending.

His mother took him to the kitchen, filled three pots with water, and placed each pot on the fire. Once the water reached a boiling point, she put potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and coffee beans in the third pot.

She then let them boil for a while and kept the conversation going with her son, who happened to continue to feel sorry for himself. After a certain while, She put off the fire and took out the contents of each pot, and emptied it into another vessel each.

She asked her son, What do you see?’. Potatoes, eggs, and coffee.’ the son replied.

‘Look closer and touch the potatoes.’ she said. The son touched them and said that they were soft. She then asked him to ‘break the egg’ and found that the eggshell broke and the contents had become hard. And finally, the son tasted the coffee and found the aroma refreshing and brought a smile to his face.

‘What does this mean?’ he asked.

She then explained that the three ingredients faced the same adversity-the boiling water. But how each one reacted was different.

The hard potato became soft for consumption. The liquid contents of the egg hardened. And the coffee beans produced an aroma that didn’t exist earlier.

So how do you react to the challenge, son? What are you? Are you the potato, the egg, or the coffee beans?.”

You need to outlast and overcome the challenges that are presented to you.

4 Ways to Handle Challenges at Workplace

  • Practice Listening– People do not listen. And even if they do, they hear enough to reply. In essence, they hear the words and give meaning to them from their perspective and perceptions. Listening is deeper. One needs to listen to the intent behind the words spoken or situations that come up in the process of working with people. And that is called listening, wherein one can understand the conversation in the exact meaning of what it was intended for. Challenges with interpersonal relationships at workplace get sorted through listening and sharing.
  • Communicate with Authenticity– When we communicate clearly, we receive support. More often, half the solution presents itself when we communicate with authenticity. So, what do we communicate? How often do you discuss openly with your boss about a challenge? Do you cover up the issue with the fear of ridicule and being judged? When you communicate authentically, your trust among your peers grows. Strength grows by accepting ones weaknesses.
  • Shift your Perspective– The fight or flight reaction is the most common response when presented with a challenge. Train your mind to accept the challenge and own the responsibility to overcome the same. This is the practice of being present. Else, the mind takes control of the emotions and starts suggesting solutions from the fears of the past rather than looking at solutions from the present.
  • Being Open-Minded: A person is stronger while working as a team. Solutions may appear from anybody or anything. We need to be ready to receive the same. Being open-minded removes the rigidity in perspective.We can get more options on the table that can form the right solution.

Handling Challenges is a personality trait. From a social perspective, we are never taught in schools or at home to overcome challenges. We are more often taught to solve problems. Successful people never use the term problem. It doesn’t exist in their vocabulary. The word challenge presents itself as a strength once you work through it. Embrace challenges. You have everything in you to overcome them!

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